ORA2 Team Submissions#


There’s an AssessmentWorkflow model that has a workflow app label, which means that the table name is prefixed with workflow_ and not assessment_ like everything else (I’m sure it’s to help resolve a name collision). See for reference:. In fact, each of the AssessmentWorkflow, AssessmentWorkflowStep, and AssessmentWorkflowCancellation models live under the workflow app label.

  • The SubmissionMixin.create_submission() method calls the workflow_api.create_workflow() method (it stops at WorkflowMixin.create_workflow() along the way). This is the entry point to workflow management in ORA.

  • create_workflow() calls AssessmentWorkflow.start_workflow()

    • …which calls the on_init() method of each specific type of step (e.g. self, peer, staff).

    • The on_init() method of e.g. StaffWorkflow is what creates a StaffWorkflow record associated with a given course, item, and submission (and eventually, a scorer and an assessment).

Staff Workflows#

These should be the only workflow type that we care about for team submissions.

Python API for managing StaffWorkflow data::

  • on_init(submission_uuid)

    • Looks up submission record from Submissions API. Then creates a StaffWorkflow associated with it.

For teams:

  • We will have one workflow per team - there’s no value in creating e.g. 5 workflows for a team of 5 learners when we only want 1 of those 5 workflows to be acted on by course staff.

  • From the perspective of grading, it doesn’t matter, as long as we end up in a state where there is one Score per learner.

Data Models Design#


  • For course staff to grade learners’ team-based submissions, we have to allow staff to “pull” from a pool of team-based submissions in a different manner from how submissions are pulled for individual submissions.

  • The StaffWorkflow model contains a get_submission_for_review() method that returns a new submission for staff to review.

  • At the completion of the assessment, we need each team member’s submission record to have a corresponding Score (and each score within the team-assignment should be identical).

New Models, sublcass StaffWorkflow#

  • Create a new TeamStaffWorkflow model that inherits from StaffWorkflow.

  • Create a new TeamSubmission model with a many to many relationship to Submission. The TeamStaffWorkflow now references a TeamSubmission.

  • The TeamSubmission model also records who submitted on behalf of the team.

  • We’ll actually also need a new, team-centric version of the workflow.AssessmentWorkflow model, so that we can pass a team_submission_uuid to the start_workflow() method. It will follow the same flow of logic of creating a workflow record and associated steps.

    • AssessmentWorkflow.start_workflow() calls the on_init() function of each assessment type’s API, e.g. In fact, pretty much all of the functions provided by assessment API’s require a submission_uuid parameter. So we’ll likely want some new API like assessment.api.team that provides the same functionality, but takes a team_submission_uuid as the first parameter.

No new team-based AssessmentWorkflowStep model. All that the steps care about are their types and the corresponding workflow instance.


_images/team-workflow-and-submission.jpeg _images/workflow-assessment-relationship.jpeg

Behavior on Submit#

  • For team ORA submissions, only staff assessment types are allowed (or no assessment types at all, in the case of practice assignments). - Peers should not see Team Submissions in their workflows. - “Selves” should not see Team Submissions in their workflows.

  • A Submission record should be created for each member of the team.

  • One TeamSubmission record should be created for the team.

  • One TeamAssessmentWorkflow should be created for the team.

    • Because this inherits from AssessmentWorkflow, we can use AssessmentWorkflowCancellation for team workflows, too, without any model changes.

    • There will be one “content reference” submission that points to the AssessmentWorkflow that’s associated with the TeamAssessmentWorkflow - this is the submission that’s used to show text/file content to instructors while the team submission is being assessed.

  • If the staff assessment step (which is the only valid assessment type for team-based ORAs) is selected for the block, one TeamStaffWorkflow record is created for the team.

  • One Assessment record and (eventually, after grading) one Score record per team member is/are created.